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Structures in Positano


"Positano" the famous town on the Amalfi Coast is known throughout the world for its natural beauty, the tranquility that you enjoy, fashion and cuisine. Enchanted place, it is frequented by international tourists.
The territory extends vertically from the sea up assuming a pyramidal shape. The many colors that characterize the local houses, thanks to the variety of flowers that adorn the balconies, give as a welcome tourists a spectacular view, a rainbow natural, rich shades ranging from yellow to orange broom of orange, pink of bougainvilles in bright red geraniums.
Along the streets and stairs of the country, there are numerous craft shops, boutiques, art galleries, antiques, where visitors are welcomed and recommended in its purchases. The center of Positano is the square of the Mills where you leave the road stock and continue on foot to reach first the mother church of S. Assumption and then Praia Grande, a unique place, where during the day, presents, under a single lion, between the shimmering sea and the sand hot attractions of amusement and entertainment. Very nice is the beach of "Fornillo" accessible by sea or walking along the road that runs along the rocky ridge that separates the two beaches in fact. For those who loves to cuddle in the sun and enjoy the beautiful scenery, There are many establishments that offer excellent services to ensure relaxation and wellness.
Positano at night is magical......the silver moon, the lamp lights reflecting in the sea, often act as scenery at major international events in culture, art and fashion. Among the restaurants along the beach and the famous "Night Club" is easy to meet famous people who choose this place to enjoy the tranquility outside of the usual fees mundane. The friendliness of the locals, the beauty of natural scenery, the chance to live every moment of the day from early morning to sunset and the birth of the moon are the things that make the trip to Positano and unforgettable.


Structures in Positano